Sunday, 22 May 2011

Auckland in Autumn

So we're well into our second month in Auckland. If you can call Browns Bay Auckland. We are really in the far north, and the big city is well out of view. We have been to the airport quite a bit - that in itself is like a major journey, especially considering we were able to walk to Wellington airport in our previous abode.
The "bay" as they call it is a small village, a curious mix of holiday feel and residential units in the village, surrounded by businesses and an array of fitness institutions and dance schools. The Presbyterian church is in Anzac Road just a few hundred metres from the sea. Right opposite is a very nice butcher who makes great biltong. Our new doctor is just up the road at the Medical Centre. All within walking distance really.
South Africans abound in the area - in every business or shop you will meet them. It's a very curious feeling hearing those now almost unfamiliar accents each day. The family mix is a bit different at home too. Our eldest is in Pretoria for a few months. The remaining four of us have been added to by a now 15 week puppy called Jessie, a labrador cross collie who is a busy little family member who enjoys her daily walks in the local park - a real gem with a walkway and stream with ducks and other locals.
The change in lifestyle is quite marked - with just Robin working at present. Keeping an eye on Jessie during the puppy years does require a lot of attention - and she does enjoy having company at home.
The winter is just around the corner, but as yet we have not really felt that cold - temperatures are a good 4 to 5 degrees higher than Wellington. Auckland's rain is notorious - it can rain and shine at regular intervals within a few hours. the difference is that the rain is vertical compared to the wind-driven horizontal version the capital offers.
Well enough for this Sunday evening. Tomorrow is not a working day - it is a change not rushing off to school each Monday morning. More later.