Friday, 9 October 2015

2015 - My Odyssey

In 1968 there was a movie released called 2001 Space Odyssey.

2015 is almost gone.

How bad that I have not written in my blog. My bad as they say.

In the midst of war and terror, mass migration and rampant refugee relocations, people are spending crazy amounts of money on the World Cup Rugby. Chasing a leather ball.

And we on the ends of the earth in the shaky islands are enjoying a quiet weekend.

What a journey. People fairly ask - why did we come here? Great question really. Journeys are idiosyncratic - unique and inexplicable. We are called, sent, driven, or seek new horizons.

Well to the two faithful followers of this blog - who knows if you get this message.

It's like a message in a bottle. You just don't know where it will land.

I'll press launch anyway. Perhaps it will signal a new creativity again.

Hello world, cyberspace, universe.

Revvy  here.
