Monday 28 January 2013

And it begins again...

I'm back to 'work' tomorrow. It's a funny idea considering what I do. So many comments over so many years ; 'you only work once a week anyway' is the standard line. Or 'on leave again?'.

It's been a good break. Nothing spectacular. A bit of this and that. I think parts of the garden are looking a tad better. And the Auckland weather has been great.

Looking ahead at 'work' - we face the same old same old things only of people have the same old attitude. I noticed this quote recently:

"Talk to him about 'moderation in all things.' If you can once get him to the point of thinking that 'religion is all very well up to a point,' you can feel quite happy about his soul. A moderated religion is as good for us as no religion at all—and more amusing."
~ Screwtape, from The Screwtape Letters

Yay for CS Lewis. It may be that people don't all agree with particulars but the devil in the book has a point.

I'm hoping that people will focus on the future and not have us all hamstrung by details and preferences. To quote a friend who writes amazing articles - thanks Rod:

Three Leadership Sinkholes to avoid… (Natal Mercury Tuesday)

Sinkhole #1: Managing will consume you. If you don’t watch your step you’ll be seduced into thinking that managing IS leading. The two will become confused and leading will morph into managing - not the reverse. Endless administrative tasks will drown your day and you. The risk-averse, the anxious employees among you (mostly managers - they LOVE safety) will exercise power and keep you managing and keep you from leading. They are managers. That’s what they do. Of course they will try to manage you. Then, the very same people will complain, “There’s just no leadership around here!” It’s a sinkhole. Avoid it.

Sinkhole #2: Over-listening to whiners. If you allow the whiners among you too much of an ear they will drown out healthy voices. Whiners are often very aggressive, especially when ignored. They’ll feel entitled to shape your job. Don’t let them. Whiners are NEVER satisfied. Whatever you do will never stop their whining. Listen to whiners, yes, but listen to the healthy, the enthusiastic, and the busy, motivated people six times as much. Pole-vault this sinkhole.

Sinkhole #3: Tripping over the remains of your predecessor. I am all for honouring the past, but leaders must determinedly point to a greater future. Resist the understandable urge to protect the memory of whomever you follow, especially if you are doing it in the hopes of gaining acceptance from those who loved the previous leader. It’s a sinkhole. Flee it.

So here's to a year which looks forward and beyond ourselves to the mission we have in this community. To the reality of God and his transforming power. To true reconciliation and forgiveness. To truth and not self-deception. To real life-changing love and service.

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